On the track of genes
A university research team at HBRS investigates how correctly encoded genomes are functioning. Through their research physicians gain a better understanding of genetic diseases ... -
Does WLTP create car-chaos?
Since September 2018 the new testing procedure WLTP is supposed to investigate the CO2 and pollutant emissions and fuel consumption of cars. What does it ... -
Between high tech and high touch
Robotic check in, controlling mood rooms and who-is-at-the-bar apps are what travellers want. Personal experience mixed with technology – the hotel of the future. -
Artificial intelligence in music production
Traditional music production is evolving with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Even though AI is able to learn and can make parts of manual audio ... -
Smart traveling with intelligent food
New digital procedures promise to improve world travel catering. Last year airlines produced 5.2 million tons of waste, highlighting the fact that sustainable catering needs ... -
Eye Tracking - Refining Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality headset’s are constantly improving. Latest at this years CES it has become clear that Eye-Tracking is one of the leading technologies that promise ... -
Konzepte gegen Plastik
Die meisten Produkte, die wir kaufen, sind verpackt. Die Verpackung besteht allerdings meist aus Plastik oder Materialien, die nicht umweltfreundlich sind. Wissenschaftler forschen nun an ... -
Gin - Manufaktur oder Masse?
Der Wacholderschnaps erlebt derzeit eine Renaissance. Doch woraus wird Gin gemacht? Was macht den Unterschied zwischen einem industriell hergestellten Gin und dem einer Manufaktur aus? -
Earthship Pioneers in Europe
Earthships are buildings made of recyclable materials and are able to provide itself with electricity. How works an earthship and are they a true alternative ... -
24 Stunden Rohmilch
Im August ist im Milchhäuschen der Familie Flatten aus Euskirchen die 1.111. Flasche Rohmilch verkauft worden. Frische Milch bedeutet nicht nur körperliche, sondern vor allem ...